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Answer: 49



This is a really minor nit, but the top number in the time signature isn't called a "numerator," because the time signature isn't a fraction.

Posted by: Andrew | Feb 2, 2004 12:16:32 AM

I got the answer for this one from Don Morrison,
www.ringing.org, the British Bellringing organisation, who also had a few quibbles about "caters". He did find a bellringing society right in St Paul, Minnesota (even though the nearest full scale cathedral bells are in Chicago).

Posted by: Tim Szeliga | Feb 2, 2004 11:31:13 PM

Andrew -- It finally occurred to me to check. My Webster's Collegiate defines "time signature" as a fractional sign and mentions numerator and denominator. So I pick your nit and raise you a so there. :-)

Posted by: Bob Lodge | Feb 5, 2004 2:51:06 AM

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