Group 7
43. Nicholas II
44. Singer of "I'll Never Fall in Love Again"
45. Samba, Arctic, Grey, Tango, Mexican, Cha-Cha, Timber and Mambo
46. 0618574972
47. The letters on number 4
48. The equivalent of 20 Charles Lindberg Jrs.
49. The bearded woman belonging to me
43. The Last Emperor (of Russia)
44. Tom Jones
45. Dances With Wolves (Or Dances and Wolves)
46. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (One of it's ISBNs)
47. Gandhi (Or G and HI)
48. Million Dollar Baby (Sort of morbid)
49. My Fair Lady (Fair here being loosely connected to carnival.)
Posted by: JmSR | Jun 20, 2006 7:28:01 AM
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