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MARCH MADNESS III Call for Submissions

Hey kids!

Submit your very own questions for March Madness III, the only trivia contest made by and for the UCDP.  Your questions can be any kind of crazy trivia, logic or toherwise as long as the answer is an integer between 25 and 100 inclusive.  The puzzle starts in mid-March.  So, the deadline is around March 10.  These have been very popular in the past, when I do not screw them up too badly.



The new Bob Lodge contest begins tomorrow!

A reminder that I need your questions too!

Posted by: JmSR | Jan 16, 2007 11:38:28 AM

Can they include small images?

Posted by: JC | Jan 31, 2007 3:19:46 PM

I'm sort of new to this as well (thinking of finally submitting a few things)...I looked over past rules...is there still a maximum of five rule? That's what I thought it said in March Madness I, though I might have read it incorrectly.

Posted by: Mike | Jan 31, 2007 4:09:38 PM

Small pictures are fine. There'll only be a limit if either one person has too many question or if too many questions overall are submitted.

Posted by: JmSR | Jan 31, 2007 8:44:26 PM

Another question: when clarifications are wanted for a question, should the person who submitted it respond? Openly or anonymously? Or is it the jurisdiction of the organizer?

Posted by: JC | Mar 2, 2007 8:12:02 AM

Generally, I field the questions so that the clue writer can remain anonymous, if they want.

Posted by: JmSR | Mar 2, 2007 10:28:22 AM

A serious misunderstanding, error, or need for clarification should be cleared up by the author of the puzzle, I would think. It would seem appropriate to post a question openly, unless it contains a spoiler. The author can still reply anonymously, simply by entering false information in the Name and Email fields. Part of the fun is trying to guess authors of various March Madness entries.

Posted by: Bob Lodge | Mar 2, 2007 1:25:10 PM

It's my first time doing March Madness on these boards, let alone submitting...but I agree it'd be kind of cool to see the conglomeration of everyone's work and almost trying to piece together who did what. Looking forward to this.

Posted by: Mike | Mar 6, 2007 3:54:30 PM

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