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ROUND ONE: North & South Regions

Here are sixteen states.  The answer to Giants UNY's is 64.  Figure out the pattern.

1 Giants UNY: Michigan
16 Perry Mason: Iowa

8 Ground St.: Nebraska
9 NY State of Mind: Alaska

5 Synogogue: California
12 Bardem: Texas

4 Texas-Alamo: Indiana
13 Gander: Florida

6 Ricell: Oregon
11 Florida Pacific: Utah

3 The Cordon Bleu: Nevada
14 Madison: Alabama

7 Miss. America St.: Hawaii
10 Duke of Earl Univ.: Delaware

2 I Owe U.: Maryland
15 Coppin Out St.: Montana

Old School of Thought's answer is 31.  Figure out the pattern.

1 Old School of Thought: Sembabule
16 Saint Liar's: Solai

8 North Maine: Mohangi
9 Miss. Use of Funds Coll.: Buganga

5 Canadian: Taraqua
12 E. Orthodox: Cavambe

4 Boddy: Tabacundo
13 S. Baptist: Macapa

6 Gloria: La Tagua
11 W. Dressing: Sooyaac

3 U. Thant: Nyahrururu Falls
14 N. Aggression: Nanyuki

7 Cal St. Fullofit: Lerida
10 LBCNU: Porto Santana

2 U Cann: Sasak
15 Michaelville: Talo



I think I've figured out the key on South (still working on North). I request from the moderators a spell check on 12 E. Orthodox (incorrect letter) and 3 U. Thant (extra letter).

Posted by: MartinD | Mar 20, 2008 5:18:49 PM

Any mispellings I'm sure are mine. The correct questions are:

3 U. Thant: Nyahururu Falls


12 E. Orthodox: Cayambe

Posted by: JmSR | Mar 20, 2008 5:42:12 PM

Nebraska is written in larger type than everything else. Is that significant?

Posted by: Alan Lemm | Mar 20, 2008 9:14:17 PM

Nebraska looks the same to me...

I LOVE this game!

Posted by: mrsmathteacher | Mar 20, 2008 9:31:25 PM

Any differences in typeface are merely the consequence of TypePad stupidity. None of it is a clue.

Posted by: JmSR | Mar 20, 2008 10:14:51 PM

After obscure searching, it is possible to find two different numerical possibilities for a couple of the answers. To narrow it down, I have noticed that each pair of teams has something in common that will eliminate the possibility of ambiguity. That is, except in one particular case, where the pair doesn't share that common theme. I don't want to be more specific in a public forum, but is this intentional?

Posted by: DonVance | Mar 20, 2008 10:34:22 PM

The questions in all of the early rounds were provided by the authors and organized by me. There probably is not any "clue" in the order that the questions were placed.

Posted by: JmSR | Mar 21, 2008 8:42:09 AM

Let's see if I can not screw up the answers.

Each state name uses its standard alphanumeric key (Q44 from the Median-81 race) and adds the numbers.

1 Giants UNY: 64 W
16 Perry Mason: 48

8 Ground St.: 71 W
9 NY State of Mind: 45

5 Synogogue: 88 W
12 Bardem: 69

4 Texas-Alamo: 52
13 Gander: 65 W

6 Ricell: 74 W
11 Florida Pacific: 50

3 The Cordon Bleu: 47 W
14 Madison: 31

7 Miss. America St.: 51
10 Duke of Earl Univ.: 69

2 I Owe U.: 88 W
15 Coppin Out St.: 78

Jay Winter, author

These are all cities that lie with 0.1 degrees of the equator. The values listed are their longitude location, to the nearest degree.

1 Old School of Thought: 31
16 Saint Liar's: 36 W

8 North Maine: 29
9 Miss. Use of Funds Coll.: 32 W

5 Canadian: 68
12 E. Orthodox: 78 W

4 Boddy: 78 W
13 S. Baptist: 51

6 Gloria: 78 W
11 W. Dressing: 42

3 U. Thant: 36
14 N. Aggression: 37 W

7 Cal St. Fullofit: 70 W
10 LBCNU: 51

2 U Cann: 99 W
15 Michaelville: 98

Paula Stevens, Author

Posted by: JmSR | May 1, 2008 9:41:46 AM

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