YOUNGSTOWN - Political fans were shocked this week when George W. Bush appeared to have been caught lip-synching to one of his speeches at a "live" political event. Political analysts wonder if this will impact his chances at keeping his job.
Bush, speaking on the subject of America's presence in Iraq, was about to launch into an indictment of John Kerry's vacillation on the issues when instead came a speech about increased taxes because of health care. Bush looked around confused at first as his mouth movement resembled that of a kung-fu movie. Then he stormed off the stage. Bush's fans in the audience applauded, thinking he was done. The members of cabinet tried to back him up but a local Ohio Republican pulled the plug on the show and sent the ticket holders home.
"This is so retarded," said some random 14-year-old girl breaking from the political correctness that they try to teach her in school. "Bush was like cool and then he lip-synchs? How lame."
The Kerry camp have pointed to this. Even Sen. Kerry himself said, "More of the same. More of the same. More of the same," before he made a cut motion with his hand.
Bush has since claimed that he had acid reflux and that "chili peppers burn my gut." Meanwhile, America holds its breath and waits for the stench of this presidential election to pass.