Top 50 RSS feeds of those over 5,000 subscribers on Bloglines
January 2005
1. Slashdot
2. Wired News
3. Boing Boing
4. Dilbert
5. Gizmodo
6. Google's Blog
7. The New York Times (Main Page)
8. Quote of the Day
9. Joel on Software
10. Engadget
11. CNet News
12. The Register
13. Scientific American
14. Salon
15. A List Apart
16. BBC News (World Edition)
17. Kuro5hin
18. Techdirt
19. BBC News (Technology)
20. The New York Times (Technology)
21. Snopes
22. PC Magazine (New Products)
23. Slate Magazine
24.'s Word of the Day
25. Cool Tools
Biggest Gainer: Engadget rose from #15 to #10
Biggest Faller: The Register fell from #9 to #12
Top Ten Trends: CNET and The Register fell off being replaced by Joel on Software and Engadget. This marks the seocnd straight month of The Register's decline.
Biggest Debut: #22 PC Magazine (New Products)
Some interesting things here. Sure two tech blogs surged passed two other tech blogs, but also of the four new entries only two are techies. Word of the Day and Slate are more for later adopters. Interesting, no?
Engadget had play-by-play of MacWorld, and one of few sites to do so, so it got some disproportionate traffic that can probably be correlated to increased syndication.
Posted by: Sean | January 26, 2005 at 10:19 AM
By MacWorld, I mean Steve Jobs's keynote address, when all the new products were pitched.
Posted by: Sean | January 26, 2005 at 10:19 AM