Brainstorm #: Small Wisconsin towns
- Waunecka
- Waugoma
- Wauzeuskee
- Lake Roberts
- Munich (pronounced Mun-ITCH)
- Owestgo
- Hamping
- New Nice
Brainstorm #5: Words you'll never see as the Final Word on Wheel of Fortune
- Ho-Bag
- Restlessness
- Synechdoche
- Sajak
- Kellogg's
- Goatse
Brainstorm #6: Verbed nouns that will soon enter the language.
- Medicare Drug Benefit -- v. To screw up badly especially by complicating the issue. Usage: You really Medicare Drug Benefitted that presentation by inserting all that stuff about blinker fluid.
- Favre -- v. To overstay your welcome despite how much good you have done and despite how much damage you are doing. Usage: He totally Favred after the big win in the World Series.
- Rasmus -- v. To post infrequently to your own blog. Usage: Who taught you how to Rasmus like that with a post a month or less?
- Scooter -- v. To give or have a lame-ass nickname. Usage: Don't name the kid Herschel! You're practically Scootering him for life.
- Wal-Mart -- v. To win at all costs. Usage: I don't like playing El Grande with you; you totally Wal-Marted me in the Castillo and Basque Country!
- Brokeback -- v. I'm not going into it.
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